Our website is currently being updated.  We apologize for any inconveniences.  

Upcoming Events

No events at this time. 

Chief's Welcome

On behalf of the firefighters of the Summerville & District Fire Department I would like to welcome you to our web site.  I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone, to have a safe and happy holiday season.  Please remember to take extra care with home heating appliances and home decorations this winter season.  

Mission Statement

"To provide quality Fire Protection, Fire Prevention Education, and Fire Rescue Services to protect the lives and property of the Residents of Summerville and surrounding communities."

Contact Us

59 Summerville Wharf Rd
Summerville, Nova Scotia
B0N 2K0
Non-EmergencyPh# 633-2680
Fx# 633-2732


Check our Facebook Page 

In Case of Emergency Call 9-1-1